Wolverine Snow Products Ltd.

Wolverine Snow Products Ltd.

Where: Revelstoke, BC

Year Established: 2021

Website: wolverinesnowproducts.com

Owner: Joey Vosburgh and Chris Payne

We specialize in purpose-built touring poles.

Give us a brief description of your manufacturing processes and philosophy.

Our philosophy is that backcountry tools should be designed to be functional and durable, and that efficiency gained in movement saves energy for the descent. All components of these poles were extensively tested and each product is meticulously hand assembled.

How many employees and/or contractors do you work with?

Joey Vosburgh and Chris Payne.

What brought you to the Kootenays and how long have you been here?

Small town living and legendary snowfalls. Been in Revelstoke 16 years now.

Tell us about the history and relative work experience of your founder(s).

Wolverine Snow Products is the brainchild of two friends who grew up skateboarding and snowboarding together in the Canadian Rockies. Eventually the duo moved to Revelstoke and while constantly trying to become more efficient in the hunt for backcountry turns, Joey found himself modifying his ski poles. Enter the Selkirk Stick and the beginning of Wolverine Snow Products. Joey is an ACMG-certified splitboard guide who spends most of his time guiding his clients in mountains around Revelstoke. His spare time is generally spent tinkering in the Wolverine Den and he’s a passionate advocate for the splitboarding community, and for the progression of the sport. Chris has worked professionally in all facets of multimedia for over 20 years and in the past 15 he’s created branding, marketing and promotion materials for ski/snowboard brands and numerous Helisking/Catskiing operations. He is very excited to put his diverse skill set towards creating a brand and product of his own.

Describe the mission, vision, goals, and aspirations of your company.

Our goal is to provide functional products that help you travel more efficiently and safely in the backcountry. Our products are mindfully designed and tested, based on many years of cumulative experience ski touring and Wolverine Snow Products offers a quality alternative to the major brands.