Thoroughbred Skis

Thoroughbred Skis

Where: Golden, BC

Year Established: 2015


Owner: Dave Horsefield

We design custom skis.

Give us a brief description of your manufacturing processes and philosophy.

Skis built around the needs of each customer; always one-of-a-kind.

How many employees and/or contractors do you work with?


What brought you to the Kootenays and how long have you been here?

We’ve been here six years. We skied the chutes at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort 10 years ago in 1.5 metres of powder. After that everywhere else is second best.

Tell us about the history and relative work experience of your founder(s).

Dave began his career as a ski instructor, rising to a CSIA Level 3 certification in the ’70s. As an engineer he was distracted for a time building a career with a global engineering consulting company, rising from field engineer to one of the top executives in the firm. However, this couldn’t stop him from hitting the slopes in his spare time. When it was time for a change, it was his family who said “you are so passionate about skiing and your skis, why don’t you start building them?” That was all it took! He was also driven by the countless times he’s heard his buddies say, “This ski is great, but I wish it was more stable at speed… or turns quicker… or floats better…”. This is a natural consequence of mass-produced skis that are built to simply satisfy the definition of an average skier. So the idea was born: to build a few very special skis that are designed meticulously for each person. And the rest is history. In addition to the pure custom ski design and production, we recently teamed up with Ski FELS to further evolve the Fels designs. We are proud to jointly launch the Attitude line of Cross-Mountain performance skis.

Describe the mission, vision, goals, and aspirations of your company.

Our mission is to build skis uniquely designed around the person so that they grin from ear to ear every time they ride. Provide an opportunity for enthusiasts to help build their ride.