Ghostrider Equipment
Ghostrider Equipment
Where: Fernie, BC
Year Established: 2023
Owner: Pat Simpson
We are the creators of an innovative bike-specific bear spray holder called the Kermode.
Give us a brief description of your manufacturing processes and philosophy.
We mainly work with digital fabrication tools such as 3D printers, a laser cutter and 3D CAD software. What we lose in production volume we gain in design and manufacturing flexibility. We can take feedback from customers and iterate on new versions of the product very quickly.
How many employees and/or contractors do you work with?
What brought you to the Kootenays and how long have you been here?
The promise of deep snow and sweet singletrack brought our family to Fernie in 2012.
Tell us about the history and relative work experience of your founder(s).
I have a background in mechanical engineering, specifically with the design of automated packaging machinery. From there I moved into heavy industry, specifically the maintenance and reliability fields for 20 years and am now applying my skills to the outdoor recreation industry.
Describe the mission, vision, goals, and aspirations of your company.
Our goals are to improve the safety of mountain bikers who ride in bear country, collaborate with local experts, source consumables in British Columbia, and bring manufacturing to the Kootenays.