Because saving the Earth is a little bit important.
Because saving the Earth is a little bit important.
The KORE Re-Hub is the Kootenay-based centre for outdoor gear circularity. It’s an outdoor gear repair and up-cycling facility dedicated to providing essential training and job creation opportunities. Through Re-Hub, KORE is at the forefront of a clean-growth opportunity, actively repairing and repurposing textiles from gear users and major outdoor gear manufacturers, and in so doing, impacting sustainable change across the entire industry.
KORE’s goal is for the Kootenays to be the most recognized region in Canada for outdoor gear circularity and advocate and facilitate keeping outdoor gear in circulation longer and out of the landfills.
The Re-Hub is in the early stages of development and over the next 90 days, discussions and planning will roll out with the industrial sewing sector, outdoor gear re-sellers and repair specialists, as well as municipal and regional districts, and key stakeholders with the goal of developing an outdoor gear repair and repurpose hub.
Phase Two of the project will introduce a resell and reuse platform, a program for materials up-cycling, a Kootenay gear swap exchange, and an industrial sewing training program.