Kootenay Approved & Inspired:

Meet Scarlet of Zapped Outfitters

Zapped Outfitters is one of the only casual apparel companies in the world that features microscopic glass beads embedded in its fabrics that reflect light at night. Now the world is taking notice of its “Play Hard and Be Seen” brand.

Scarlet Kux-Kardos (pictured below) is a designer who recognized an opportunity in the market when introduced to microscopic glass beads that can be embedded into fabric and her own company was born. “Zapped Outfitters seamlessly combines safety and style with our fully reflective, gender-neutral streetwear that doubles as stylish everyday essentials,” Scarlet says. “We catering to active families and our gear prioritizes both fashion and function for all ages, ensuring a blend of stylish aesthetics and night-time visibility.”

Below is our conversation with Scarlet about what makes Zapped Outfitters unique and why it’s Kootenay Approved.

Hey Scarlet, thanks for chatting with us. First question: what makes your business unique?

With decades of experience crafting high-performance sportswear for top brands, we’ve pioneered a distinctive fabric featuring reflective micro-bead technology. This innovation isn’t just about fashion, it’s about ensuring families “Play Hard and Be Seen” with 360 degrees of night-time visibility.

What are some awards, accolades, or milestones you’ve achieved since starting your business?

Our business has proudly partnered with BCAA, contributing products and informational cards to the BCAA School Safety Patrol program. Additionally, we experienced remarkable success with our inaugural production run of jackets and the crowd-favourite “Bolt Beanie,” which sold out swiftly. With a goal of supporting Canadian-made products, we also did our first test-run of toques made in Canada.

How do the Kootenays help shape the work you do?

Where I live is an e-bike and pedestrian-focussed city with short and dark winter days so our inspiration stems from the necessities of everyday life. This dynamic environment provides an ideal backdrop and testing ground, inspiring us to create products that cater to the unique needs of living in Canada.

What’s the best part about living in the Kootenays?

The Kootenays are rich with natural beauty and complemented by fantastic friendships and a community of remarkable individuals. With an abundance of world-class activities at our doorstep, every day brings new opportunities to explore and enjoy the richness of this extraordinary place.

What are your favourite outdoor pursuits to do in the Kootenays? Where do you do them?

Over the 25 years I’ve been fortunate to call Nelson home, my list of cherished outdoor activities has evolved, spanning most snow sports, hiking, biking, paddleboarding, swimming, playing ukulele, bird watching, gardening, and the joy of exploration. Along with Nelson, I find some of my other favourite Kootenay spots in the Slocan Valley, Kaslo, and Creston.

What’s next for your company?

Our future plans include the exciting prospect of developing new jackets, a demand frequently voiced by our customers. While we already have some designs ready to go, we’re currently navigating the challenges of sales and marketing. As a strategic decision, we’ve also determined the importance of selling through our existing inventory before diving into the development of new products, ensuring a thoughtful and sustainable business approach.

For more about Scarlet’s company Zapped Outfitters, visit her maker page: koreoutdoors.org/makers/zapped-outfitters